KCKK Branch of URALCHEM, JSC (Kirovo-Chepetsk, Russia)
Azot Branch of URALCHEM, JSC (Berezniki, Russia)
KJSС “Azot” (Kemerovo, Russia)
JSC “Ammoni” (Mendeleevsk, Russia)
SC Meleuz mineral fertilizers (Meleuz, Russia)
Fertiberia S.A. (Sagunto, Spain)
SOPAC (Setubal, Portugal)
Fertiberia S.A. (Avilés, Spain)
MAXAM-CHIRCHIQ (Chirchiq, Uzbekistan)
JSC “KazAzot”, ammonium sulfate production (Aktau, Kazakhstan)
IGSAS (Kutahya, Turkey)
3 September 2024
The system for control of the neutralization processes in the ammonium nitrate production was implemented at the site of Maxam-Chirchiq, Chirchiq, Uzbekistan.
2 June 2023
The system for control of the neutralization processes in the ammonium nitrate production was implemented at the site of Fertiberia S.A., Aviles, Spain.
15 November 2022
For the activity on the territory of the European Union, the company Ekor Sp.z.o.o. was registered
13 May 2020
The Patent for the “Electrode unit for corrosion rate measuring by electrical resistance method” was received
12 May 2020
The Patent for “Impulse-dynamic signaling method for a critical corrosion damage” was received
10 April 2020
The System for neutralization processes control in ammonium nitrate production based on potentiostat controllers was implemented on Sagunto site (“Fertiberia”), Spain.
23 December 2019
Ekor conducted the testing of the System for the neutralization process control in ammonium nitrate production on Sagunto site (“Fertiberia”), Spain.
17 May 2019
Patents for the corrosion rate sensor and the system for corrosion rate monitoring were received
23 December 2018
Corrosion rate monitoring system may be applicated in explosive zones. Explosion proof marking Ex II 2G Ex db [ia Ga] IIA T3 Gb
29 May 2018
Сompany employees took part in Worldwide congress of fertilizer and pesticide producers in Batumi, Georgia. http://scif2018.com/
19 May 2018
The КФП-2 phase transition controller was designed and tested. Controller is the element of the System for continuous water mass fracture control in ammonium nitrate melt and carbamide. Controller complete with concentration sensors ДК-КС are intended for automatic continuous water mass fracture determination in the technological flow of ammonium nitrate solution and carbamide. Water mass fracture determination is performed by crystallization temperature. The controller has two independent channels for connection of two sensors. Obtained data in digital and analog forms can be transmitted to SCADA systems.
18 March 2018
Corrosion sensor was tested in hydrogen sulphide environment.
9 March 2018
The System for neutralization processes control in ammonium nitrate production based on potentiostat controllers was implemented on “SERFI Arzew”, Algeria.
3 December 2017
The renovation of the System for neutralization processes control in ammonium nitrate production was carried out on “KuibyshevAzot”, Russia.
30 November 2017
Linear polarization resistance method was relized by means of potentiostat controller, including in explosion-proof design.
27 November 2017
The potentiostat controller was developed, which works in conjunction with a sensor and a potentiostat. The controller manages the measurement process, processes the received signals, transfers them in analog and digital form to external devices and the SCADA system, and also regulates the technological process.
15 October 2017
For the first time the on-line corrosion rate monitoring of equipment using the Corrosion rate monitoring system was carried out. The System measures the corrosion rate of equipment areas directly. Measuring does not need the interruption in equipment integrity and presence of the sensor. The direct control of equipment areas gives an opportunity to predict the equipment residual life with a maximum reliability.
8 June 2017
LLC REE Ekor has developed the Scaling control system. The System allows to control the scaling dynamic on-line. Scaling control will make it possible to optimize the annealing process and exclude increased metal losses, formation of defects, and to decrease the furnace gases consumption
3 May 2017
Quality management system of LLC REE «Ekor» has successfully passed the supervisory audit ISO 9001:2015.
23 January 2017
The System for prediction of technological equipment residual life was developed.
7 January 2017
Сorrosion rate data transferring via telemetry means was implemented. The data obtained by the corrosion rate control system is transferred through GSM channels. This allows to carry the corrosion rate monitoring of the facility remotely from anywhere in the world.
18 October 2016
Company employees participated in the international conference “Problems of corrosion and corrosion protection of materials” (Lviv, Ukraine) with the report “The system for continuous corrosion rate measuring of the technological equipment under operating conditions”.
14 June 2016
System for continuous corrosion rate monitoring based on the corrosion rate controller has passed the metrological attestation. Certificate was received. Metrological tests confirmed that system allows to carry out the corrosion rate measurement in a wide range from 0 to 100 mm/year. Random error component is 0.0014 mm/year.
11 February 2016
Corrosion process controller was developed. The controller together with the corrosimeter measures the corrosion rate, performs mathematical and statistical data processing, storage and transmission of corrosion rate information. The corrosion rate controller can operate independently and also transmit data to the APCS system (Honeywell,Trace Mode etc.).
8 January 2016
The recertification audit for compliance with the international standard was carried out. The quality management system of LLC REE Ekor complies with the requirements ISO 9001:2008 that confirmed by the DEKRA certificate.
11 December 2015
Certificate of measuring instruments type approval on the System for monitoring and control of neutralization processes in ammonium nitrate production was received.
1 October 2015
The system for monitoring and control of neutralization processes in ammonium nitrate production was realized on the base of the controller Honeywell MasterLogic200 using SCADA Experion HS.
1 July 2015
The method for the continuous cleaning of the concentration sensor was developed. Cleaning of the sensor is carried out by the compact vibrator that works from compressed air. The vibrator is integrated into the sensor and provides an efficient mechanical cleaning of the sensor, as well as the intensive mixing of the solution. This allows to perform the measurements in presence of oils, precipitations and other contaminants.
1 June 2015
Notification of the Russian FSS for the Industrial computer system unit of Ammonium nitrate production control system was received.
15 October 2014
The Corrosion sensor of the Corrosion monitoring system was tested under the pressure up to 50 atm and temperature up to 130°C.
17 September 2014
Certificate of State metrological attestation for Corrosion rate monitoring system was received.
4 March 2014
LLC REE «Ekor» took the first place among the exporting companies of Ukraine.
13 December 2013
Quality management system of LLC REE «Ekor» has successfully passed the supervisory audit ISO 9001:2008.
17 October 2013
Company employees participated in the conference “Electrochemical protection and corrosion control” with the report “Corrosion rate monitoring system of carbon steel in water rotation cycle environments using the electrical resistance method”. Corrosion rate monitoring system of carbon steel in water rotation cycle environments using the electrical resistance method
24 September 2013
Implementation of control and regulation systems of neutralization processes in two ammonium nitrate units on the Russian Federation territory, Kemerovo.
26 August 2013
Certificate of State metrological attestation for potentiostatic device ПИ-2МК-10А was received.
6 March 2013
LLC REE «Ekor» took the first place among the exporting companies of Ukraine.
24 December 2012
In December 2012 LLC REE «Ekor» has been developed and implemented the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001. «Bureau Veritas» successfully certified LLC REE «Ekor» in scope of supply « Manufacture of electric distribution and control equipment. Installation and assembly of machines and equipment ».