Software and hardware complex (SHC) is designed for a wide range of scientific research in various fields of chemistry and physics. In particular, for the study of electrochemical processes occurring in the electrode-electrolyte interface. SHC is assembled on modern element base, which ensures high accuracy, reliability, performance and stability of its operation. The work of SHC is managed by a modern, leading in research, software that enables management of SHC and performs collection and processing of data in real time.
Distinctive features of SHC are:
1. Ability to work on grounded objects (including those in industrial conditions, in environments that are directly within the operating units).
2. The possibility of simultaneous independent study of the two electrode systems on two channels in a single solution (allows simultaneous study of different materials in the same solution in exactly the same conditions).
3. The possibility of forming of the polarization signal of complex form.
4. The possibility of forming of the currents up to 5 amps.
SHC allows you to:
1. Maintain a given potential of the working electrode.
2. Change the potential of the working electrode according to the given function (linear, step, sinusoidal, etc.) with different rates.
3. Maintain a given polarization current of the working electrode.
4. Change the polarization current of the working electrode linear and stepwise with different rates.
5. Measure and record the polarization current of the working electrode.
6. Measure and record the potentials of the working and supporting electrodes with respect to the reference electrode.
7. Work in the measure mode for electrode potentials (potentiometer).
8. Perform corrosion-electrochemical measurements.
9. Measure the concentration of substances by the potentiometric method.
10. Measure the concentration of substances by the voltammetric method.
11. Generate the recorded data for further computer processing.